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Our Vision

In March 2020, just days before the NYC pandemic shutdown, a small group of women met to launch Impact 100 NYC. By that December, we had our 100th member and were poised to award our very first transformational Innovation Grant. 

Since then, over 500 women have believed in and donated to Impact 100 NYC’s mission to help the people and communities of NYC overcome adversity and thrive.

And now, in just four years, we reached a momentous milestone: awarding more than $1,000,000 in grants – including eight $100,000 Innovation Grants – to NYC nonprofits whose work changes lives and strengthens communities. Blending compassion, dedication and innovation, these nonprofits make dreams possible and real change happen.

When we started Impact 100 NYC, we envisioned fostering a culture of communal giving, volunteering and learning by cultivating a community of women who want their donations to do more and mean more. From the smallest gestures of kindness to the largest acts of generosity, each and every one of our members has contributed individually and collectively to making this vision of transformational change a reality.

Going into our fifth year, the needs of nonprofits and their beneficiaries continue unabated. But, so does our commitment to taking action by funding nonprofits that provide critical services to the most vulnerable and underserved. For 2025 and beyond, our sights remain set on building a dynamic community of caring women with diverse lived experiences. And, through collaboration with our nonprofit partners, we deliver on the impact of Impact through volunteering our time and talents.

Today, thanks to all of you and your belief in the ability of women-powered collective grant-making, we, too, have made dreams possible and real change happen. 

With gratitude,

Emily and Mindy

Founding Co-Presidents, Impact 100 NYC

Impact 100 NYC, Inc. is incorporated in the state of New York and is a nonprofit organization exempt from federal taxes under U.S. Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3). Contributions are tax deductible. Impact 100 NYC is registered with the New York State Attorney General’s Office to solicit charitable contributions and hold charitable assets in New York State.

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